Our Mission: Scholarship in Service

oxfordinstitutelogo300.jpgThe Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies is an affiliate of the World Methodist Council. Its mission is to foster and support disciplined theological study among professional scholars and scholarly ministers and laypersons within the Methodist and Wesleyan traditions around the globe, with a goal of undergirding and enriching the ministry of these traditions in their global settings. This mission is embodied most prominently in an extended residential institute, currently held once every five years at Oxford University.

Planning for these episodic meetings, and other business of the Institute, is managed by an Institute Committee, and particularly by the Officers of this Committee, as detailed in our Constitution.

Detailed records of the Institute meetings held so far, including the text of many of the papers presented, are available in the Institute Archives.

Inquiries about the nature and business of the Institute should be directed to one of the current Officers, or to Randy L. Maddox, the Institute Secretary.