Home » Thirteenth Institute

Thirteenth Institute

“Wesleyan Communities and the World Beyond Christianity”

Christ Church, August 12 – August 19, 2013

Attendance: 133 full and associate members

Group Photos
Attendee List

Plenary Speakers:

Cheryl B. Anderson
“Negotiating Methodist Denominational Identity in the Age of HIV/AIDS: Lessons from the United States, South Africa, and Brazil” *

William Gibson
“‘The Past is Another Country’: John Wesley’s History of Britain” *

Rui de Souza Josgrilberg
“Wesley and the Theological Horizon of Creation” *

Beauty Maenzanise
“Worship in the African Context” *

Hermen Shastri
“In Good and Generous Faith: Christians in a World of Religious Pluralism”

Stephen Skuce
“Authentically Wesleyan: Towards a Complete Wesleyan Engagement with People of Other Faiths” *

Working Groups

  1. Biblical Studies
  2. Wesley and Methodist Historical Studies
  3. Theology and Ethics
  4. Practical Theology, Worship, and Spirituality
  5. Evangelism and Mission
  6. Ecumenical and Interreligious Studies

*Marked papers were published as proceedings of this Institute in:
Ted A. Campbell, ed. Wesleyan Communities and the World Beyond Christianity. Nashville: Wesley’s Foundery Books, 2018.